Posts Tagged ‘ food ’

The world’s easiest bread, I swear. MAKE IT NOW.



So, you’re probably wondering what the above is. Rather than asking, how about you nut up, shut up, and read the post. (WARNING: today, I feel feisty. It’s because of the BREAD.)

Apparently, it takes a fair amount of work to plan a mad cheap trip across the country. Most of my week has been devoted to ensuring that I don’t have to delve into neon orange nacho cheeses and limp hamburgers at every terminal in the only way I know how: cooking my own damn food.

Given that I’m trying to cook for both trips, I’ve been worried about spoilage as much as I have nutrition. Ergo, I’ve been exploring lots of vegan and vegetarian foodstuffs since shit son, veggies ain’t gonna spoil much. (This is not extended to my tasty Thai tuna. That sounds really homoerotic, but whatever.) And what do I want to have as my be all end all bread to shovel my falafel and Nutella-granola sandwiches alike within? Oh, I don’t know, maybe some PITA BREAD?

Pita bread — and verily, all sorts of yeast breads — may seem scary for the novice baker, but to this I say “p’shaw.” Yeast bread is kind of low maintenance, really; first, you whisk up your little dudes to get them all alive and pumping, then you let them rise some more after you incorporate them into the dough. The most work you have to do with these guys is knead them for ten minutes — and really, if you can’t knead for ten minutes, then perhaps you should give up your card-carrying right as an Awesome Human Being.

Sorry, imaginary blog reader. That might have been a little harsh.

Anyway, please go behind the cut to read this super-easy recipe for pita bread that bakes up like a dream! If not, I will probably not punch you through the screen, but that’s mostly because I value my electronics and do not harbor any illusions RE: the feasibility of such an act actually harming you.

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Food Porn: An Interlude

Sugar Scones with Berry-Mint Compote

This shit was flavor: delicious. Consider it a mini-masterpiece in its own right?

No Thirty Days post today — but not for the reason that you’re thinking! In essence, what I’m doing today for my project is the same as yesterday: more gesso (I’m slated to put another coat of clear gesso on the canvas in a few hours as of this ), more pattern paper, more of the same. So why make you endure an identical post when I could bribe you with some food porn behind the cut? For some reason, I’ve been really cooking-oriented this week; my first foray into grilling yesterday, scones and fruit compote today, and I’m pretty sure that there’s guacamole in this week’s future — complete with homemade chips. So I guess I’ve been doing a culinary Thirty Days to go with the painting downstairs, n’est-ce pas? At any rate: let me entice you into reading the recipe behind the cut.

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Me, myself, and food.

As is per this time of year for any college student, I have been hellaciously busy over the past few weeks. A lot of my courses are sprinting towards the “projects before Thanksgiving” deadline, so all of my weekdays have been spent foregoing the comforting verbal arena of the Internet in lieu for self-portraits, painting series that change mid-project period, and the ever-present weekly deadline for making a book. By Friday, I was longing desperately to get back to my writing communities, as it seems that all my friends there are specifically crafted to be the penultimate cheerleaders in your life (and if any of you are reading this? Thank you so much), but also because I’ve found myself to be a little rusty at the edges in terms of using the English language. All my creative energy was being invested in the visual, so when it came to catching up with my creative collab work elsewhere, I found myself lacking. Ergo: this entry.

I’ve had quite a few entry ideas for this tiny blog throughout the week, to boot. The horrors of undergraduate figure drawing are probably going to be up pretty soon (especially as one of those aforementioned cheerleaders in life may or may not have said something to the point where I need to relate my ongoing adventures in this subject), as well as a general art dump that I figure this place warrants. But my first topic to get me back on the writing horse is something that quite a few people asked me about a few weeks ago, thereby making this a long-overdue entry (especially, in all places, this blog): my relationship with food. Continue reading